Mission Statement
To grow in God’s love and to serve each other and our wider community in the name of Christ
Brief History Paragraph
In 1970 St Paul’s Methodist Church was gutted by fire. When members of Trinity Presbyterian Church heard of this they offered their support which gradually led to a Union on November 21st, 1971 and in 1979 the Trinity St Paul’s Union Parish of Cambridge Church of today opened for worship on Sunday 22nd November. A Centennial Memorial Stained Glass window was made to symbolize the uniting of the two churches into one and is displayed in our Church foyer.
Centennial Memorial Stained Glass Window

The main theme is the uniting of the two Churches into one represented by two trees, one growing from the scallop shell of the Methodists and the other from the burning bush of the Presbyterians. They also symbolize the trees of Cambridge, green, fresh and welcoming. They bear fruit and are trees of life. From the jeweled cross, the center of Christian life, radiate circles of warmth and light, and suspended on the currents of this warmth is the dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit and of peace and freedom. In the foreground water meets land suggesting the seas across which the missionaries and pioneers of the Church came to bring Christianity to New Zealand. Beyond are the rolling rural hills around Cambridge and above them the legendary ‘Long White Cloud’